
Horns Up! - The Lacuna Coil official card game

Created by Labmasu

Reach the stage with your horns up in the very first party game set in a Metal concert.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

from delayed shipping to split shippings
about 3 years ago – Fri, Jul 16, 2021 at 10:59:33 PM

Hello again

many of you selected the circle pit perils expansion during the campaign and found locked it during the pledge manager

we found a solution to give you the opportunity to split the core game from the circle pit expansion delivery. We added a new item "swamp from delay to split shipping". it costs 3 euros as fee. 

selecting it we will prepare 2 parcels and we will split shippings


Survey reminder
about 3 years ago – Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 10:03:37 PM

Hello Backers

did you miss the survey invitation from Backer Kit?

please follow this link

use please the sale log in name and Password you use in Kickstarter

see you there


Survey smoke test has been launched
about 3 years ago – Sat, Jun 12, 2021 at 11:34:34 PM

Hello Backers

the 5% of you, selected randomly, has been contacted by Backer kit to complete the post campaign process. 

this is call smoke test. it is used to understand if everything is functional and clear.

in a pair of days all of you will be contacted by Backer Kit to do it.



progress updates
about 3 years ago – Tue, Jun 01, 2021 at 11:43:56 PM

Hello Backers

Where are we now, good news:

  • we just received a new contract for shipping under 2 kgs (all the normal pledges are under 2 kgs), tonight i will update the shipping price chart
  • all the final files has been sent to the printer for final check before mass production. we are on time with them. as free for all addon you will find the big box (to hold all the decks of the core game and expansions), the new stage cards and the upgrade of the stage
  • The post campaign address collection site is ready, just shipping price chart is missing but, as written before, now we have it

what is going bad:

  • retailer pledges: unfortunately, our new price chart is not so fair over the 2 kg. it isn't bad at all but we can't say it is a good price chart. we would offer you a deal. we will find a new contract until the shipping day. all the money less we will spend to ship your boxes will be refunded to you via PayPal. (example actual price chart is 40 euros for 4 kg, at the end if we will find a company asking us 35 we will refund you for 5) give us your feedback please.
  • Circle pit perils expansion needs more playtest and time to paint it. we will split shipping between the core game with the black deck and all the items ready. The circle pit perils expansion will be delivered at the beginning of the 2022. 
  • brexit. really i can't belive how many disaster this decision is creating. as new gift, all the boxes over 2 kg will be charged by 25 euros as customs fees. Normally a full pledge is under 2 kgs but retailers ones are under risk. our actual idea is to split the boxes in 2 in case it is over the 2 kgs.

Facing a little trouble
about 3 years ago – Sun, May 09, 2021 at 12:09:05 AM

Hello Backers 

we are still waiting for our shipping partner to have a rate for big pledges.

the bigger problem is for retailers who pledged for the 7x lot during the campaign. On the other hand, the final printing test is running, if ok the mass production will start fastly. We are on schedule for it.

So please raise your horns up. The pledge manager will be open as soon as we will have the last shipping rate.

P.S. in the meanwhile we designed also an in-box organizer to store the game easily